Seperation Brought Revelation

As I was preparing to teach on the life of Abraham a truth concerning his life stood out to me in a fresh way. Abraham was commanded by God to leave his country and family and go to a land the Lord would show him. Abraham left his country but he brought his nephew Lot along. Throughout the course of Abraham’s sojourningthe Lord blessed him abundantly. Also, Lot benefited from the blessings of Abraham. Nevertheless, in Genesis 13, there came a point when Abraham had to separate from his nephew. The herdsmen of Lot’s flock contended with the herdsmen of Abraham’s flock as the land where they dwelt was unable to support both flocks. The Bible says, “They could not dwell together,” and there was “strife” among them. Even though the Lord had promised the land to Abraham, Abraham gave Lot the first option to choose the parcel of land he wanted. The Bible says that Lot chose for himself the Jordan Valley because it reminded him of Egypt. So, Lot left the place of fellowship with Abraham and pitched his tent toward Sodom. As difficult as it must have been for Abraham to watch his nephew leave, the contention ceased. But, the Lord spoke to Abraham once again and reaffirmed His promise. Abraham trusted in the Lord. He was confident that the Lord would keep His Word. Rather then demand his rights, Abraham let the Lord choose what was best for him. Abraham's separation from Lot brought fresh revelation from the Lord. 
